Thursday, February 7, 2013

Most Ignorant Americans

For a more humorous take on the immigration debate, specially relating to Latinos, I found this Huffington Post article that lists the nine worst comments about Latinos made by politicians in 2012. These comments point to a sad state of ignorance throughout the American political system - and also explain why Mitt Romney only got 27% of the Latino vote. After all, this is the man who said he wished he was the son of Mexican immigrants because that would make it easier to win the presidency, completely disregarding the years of hard work it takes for most Mexican-Americans to become citizens. He then went on to say that Obama gave gifts to the Latino community to get their votes. Well, it seems more likely that he just didn't have as many racist gaffes as Romney.

Arizona's own Joe Arpaio also made the cut with the eighth dumbest comment about Latinos. Arpaio, a well-known enemy to undocumented immigrants everywhere, claims that he's "never had any problems with a Latino." Seems likely, right?

This list of the nine dumbest comments about Latinos is funny at face value. It makes you look twice and wonder how someone could possibly make such comments. However, it also points to a fundamental problem in the immigration system in the United States. Even people in the public eye continue to get caught making ignorant, racist remarks. Maybe it's time we started holding our leaders and representatives to a higher standard.


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